In the past few months, I noticed Malaysian Airlines (MAS) has been in the news headlines. Not only did MAS post a surprising profit in the recent quarter, the headlines highlight MAS new partnerships, new rates, revision of routes and investment in IT systems. Specifically, the tangible technology investments received much press coverage. I wonder whether after reading these numerous articles, the Malaysian public is calling MAS call centre or booking flights online in great numbers this coming holiday season. Conversely, do customers flock to an airline because it gives friendly and satisfying customer service a.k.a. world class customer service?
The press coverage of MAS reminded me of an incident I happened to observe in a MAS flight from Kuala Lumpur to Dhaka last year. While preparing for take off, a distraught Bangladeshi asked help from the stewardess. As the stewardess was too busy getting ready to take off, she told the Bangladeshi off. Her facial reaction reaffirmed that point. My colleague and I were shocked by her treatment towards the Bangladeshi. Then, being typical Malaysians, we rationalized that he deserved it because he is a migrant worker. With that observation, I concluded that if you are a migrant worker from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myammar or third world countries, you will receive 3rd class treatment by MAS. However, if you are migrant worker or rather expatriate, from America, Europe or developed countries, you will receive 1st class treatment (even though you are sitting in economy class). So what if you are a Malaysian. Well you will receive 2nd class treatment (That’s what I call home advantage). Why not 1st class you may ask. Well we Malaysians have an unexplainable tendency to treat people from Europe or America better. I’m not sure it has anything to do with being colonized few decades ago. (Clue : Master – slave relationship).
A proud fact is MAS always win the
Skytrax 5 star rating. Yet, I have never experience a 5 star rating service. I can bet no Bangladeshi has ever experience 5 star rating service too (Any Bangladeshi out there who beg to defer with me?). Then it dawn on me when I tried to seek the answers from Skytrax website. The market researchers probably surveyed caucasian passengers from developed countries. A truer and balanced survey would give the following results :
Malaysia Airlines Star Ranking1. Cabin Staff Service
a. Economy Class - service efficiency = 4 Stars (for caucasian passengers)= 3 Stars (for passengers from Malaysia with titles such as Tan Sri, Dato, Datuk, Datin aka VIP)*
= 2 Stars (for passengers from Malaysia without any titles aka not Very Important Person)= 1 Star (for passengers from 3rd world countries)b. Economy Class - staff attitude & friendliness = 5 Stars (for caucasian passengers)= 3 Stars (for passengers from Malaysia with titles such as Tan Sri, Dato, Datuk, Datin aka VIP)= 2 Stars (for passengers from Malaysia without any titles aka not Very Important Person)= 1 Star (for passengers from 3rd world countries)c. Responding to Passenger Requests = 5 Stars (for caucasian passengers)= 3 Stars (for passengers from Malaysia with titles such as Tan Sri, Dato, Datuk, Datin aka VIP)= 2 Stars (for passengers from Malaysia without any titles aka not Very Important Person)= 1 Star (for passengers from 3rd world countries)
* Malaysians are a class conscious society. The consciousness is probably due to the remnants (or legacy) of the British colonial masters. These titles are similar to the British tiles such as Sir, Lord, Baron, Knighthood and the list goes on.
Fear not my fellow Malaysians, if you don’t resemble a white man or woman or don’t possess any title of nobility, the way out is get a title. However, before doing that, you may want to read this
Good luck on your next flight. Going beyond expectations.