Malaysia’s tagline to tourists is "Truly Asia". Sometimes, I wonder whether what Malaysia offers is truly Asia. As I think hard enough, I found several. In general, Asians don’t smile to strangers (except Thais), public toilets are dirty (except Singapore), taxis drivers con tourists (except Singapore), locals are courteous only to tourists (except tourists from 3rd world countries). I may be accused of being unpatriotic if I highlight only the other (ugly) side of Malaysia. Well, like all sales pitch, if the salesman only tells you all the positive things, you naturally doubt him, right? For the positive side of Malaysia, you can visit Tourism Malaysia's website. For example, the main attraction of Visit Malaysia Year 2007 campaign is the ‘Eye on Malaysia’, a giant ferris wheel. It is built at the cost of RM30 million (complement of the tax payers again) and it will cost an adult RM15 and a child RM8 for a 12 minutes ride.
See you at the ‘Eye on Malaysia’.
I just want to correct your assertion that the 'Eye on Malaysia' was built with tax payers' funds. What I gathered from the article http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2007/1/6/central/16483235&sec=central
was that this is a private venture undertaken by MST AD Suria Sdn Bhd. Be careful of what you say because you don't want to summoned like our 2 blogger brothers.
Azmi Shahrin
We are living in fearful times.
Nonetheless, I quote Wassily Leontief.
"This does not mean, however, that we should not venture to make informed guesses. An informed guesses is one which makes efficient use of available
information and confines subjective judgment to those
points which, for lack such information, would otherwise remain unanswered."
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