I've been loyally taking Aeroline bus to Singapore for the past 2 years. I switched from NiCE bus because Aeroline was nearer to my home. I've sung praises of their friendly bus steward/stewardess. Even my mum feels safe to travel alone with Aeroline. However, after this recent incident and the way Wan and Mimie handled the situation, it's time to move on....to more humane bus companies! (Anyone out there knows any?)
It was my very first time missing my transport. In this case, a bus. The ironic part of it was I was 15 minutes early (not late). I was waiting at the lounge area, feeling really excited to hop on the bus to Singapore. The next thing I know, the bus left.....on time (without me!).
I realized this when I went to the counter to inquire about the bus at 5 minutes past the departure time. Mimie answered, 'The bus left already'. I stood there shocked! Based on my past experiences, the staff will come to the lobby and inform all passengers that the bus will be leaving in 10 to 15 minutes. But not this time! However, Mimie insisted that she did! Hmm...was she lying or was I just deaf or blind?
After regaining my composure, I suggested few alternatives such as hopping onto the next bus. Mimie replied nonchalantly, 'No, you can't. It's company policy'. Clearly she wasn't interested to help or find a solution to get me to Singapore. Hence I asked for a refund so that I can buy a ticket with the next departing bus from other companies eg. First Coach or Five Stars. Knowing that she has no way out, she asked me to call the Aeroline call centre and speak to Wan.
That suggestion gave me a glimmer of hope! I thought she really care about my predicament. Little did I realize that she just wanted to pass the buck ie. pass the problem to Wan.
Wan responded, "Email us for us to consider. It's our company policy that we don't refund on the spot" when I ask for a refund on the spot. Clearly, he was trying to pass the buck...to an email account! (And probably, he is hoping he can ignore or delete the email and his problem ie. me will go away eventually!)
Few days later, after taking a pleasantly enjoyable and spacious bus ride with Five Stars, this book in Borders Singapore caught my attention. It was entitled, "I love you more than my dog. Five decisions that drive extreme customer loyalty in good times and bad."
I could relate to this sentence in the book..."Your decisions reveal WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU VALUE."
Clearly, I understand what Aeroline values are (after my encounter with Wan and Mimie) ie. company policies first, customers' needs last!
Obviously, my next trip to Singapore during the Chinese New Year will be with Five Stars! Or maybe, with First Coach.
The incident with Aeroline seemed to be like a silver lining in the cloud. I wouldn't have check out Five Stars, First Coach or others if it's not because of Wan and Mimie being so unhelpful. The best part is, I discovered that the other buses are better deal!
From today onwards, I will be telling my family and friends to avoid Aeroline at all costs unless they don't mind to 'miss' their bus and left stranded helplessly (because it is Aeroline's company policy to do so!)
cc. Aeroline management,
If your tagline is “The Convenient Way to FLY”, you should deliver similar experiences of an aeroplane eg. make announcements for 'missing' passengers. Boleh, tak?